
Our Services

Inquires and Advisory Service

Professional Librarians are available for advice on all aspects of library use. They answer general and specific questions on all research topics and related subjects and provide help to users in literature search from resources available in print and other media.

Information Literacy Programmes

In order to acquaint members with the library’s services, procedures and resources, information literacy programmes are conducted time to time. In these programmes, users are informed of the library’s resources and how they can effectively use these resources. Users are also taught about the use of online catalogue, including hands-on practice on how to search the catalogue. They are also acquainted with the library’s rules and regulations. Presentations for literature search on the Internet are also arranged.

Library Bulletin (Alert Service)

The library publishes Monthly “Bulletin of ICCBS Libraries” every first week of the month, faculty/students of the new arrivals in ICCBS libraries. It is also circulates to different libraries in the field of chemical sciences.

Reprography Services

A private photocopier and printing shop is available on the 1st floor at the National Library of Chemical Sciences, at H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry near the circulation counter for the checkout and check-in of the books to the library users. Computer printouts may also be acquired from the same shop on payment.

Reference Services

ICCBS libraries providing various reference services such as inquiries and advisory service, document delivery service, information literacy programmes etc.

Document Delivery Service from the British Library UK

The library entertained the research articles requests through the document delivery programme of the British Library UK.

Lending Service

All ICCBS libraries are designed for research activities only however for the easy of members, book lending service is also available for ICCBS users only. A faculty member can borrow four books for a week time period while students are allowed one book for seven day.

Outreach Activities

ICCBS libraries are involved in the following outreach activities; for further information please browse our outreach activities page

-National Library of Chemical Sciences
-Library-to-Library Membership Programme
-Professional guidance to the Libraries of Science
-Library Volunteership Programme